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Making Agriculture Sustainable and Profitable 

Blomso enables VRT technologies to spread fertilizer with a foot-by-foot precision, reducing usage by 35% over standard practices. 

What is Blomso?

Our real-time soil sensing technology is weatherized and non-invasively retrofitted onto tills, where it meticulously captures essential data across every inch of the field. This precision enables us to tackle the substantial waste of fertilizers—traditionally, 65% goes unused due to unaddressed variances in soil composition exacerbated by blanket coverage techniques. Utilizing Variable Rate Technology (VRT), we ensure that nutrients are distributed precisely where they're needed, significantly reducing waste and boosting crop yields. The integration of AI analytics allows for seamless processing of the collected data to construct detailed 3D models of the soil. This blend of cutting-edge technology and deep agricultural understanding empowers us to provide unparalleled insights into the very foundation of farming – the soil itself.

How Blomso Works

Our sensors dive deep beneath the surface to deliver real-time data as they traverse the field on soil conditions, analyzing crucial parameters such as moisture levels, nutrient content, and more, without the need for lengthy lab waits. This data feeds into our advanced 3D modeling system, offering a comprehensive view of the entire field's soil health like never before. This view is provided to farmers as they are enabled to make agriculture sustainable.

Empowering Farmers with Precision Agriculture

Blomso empowers farmers to make informed decisions that optimize resource use and maximize crop yields. Our technology enables precise irrigation, tailored fertilization, and strategic crop management practices, ensuring every drop of water and every ounce of fertilizer is used effectively.

Data-Driven Solutions for Modern Agriculture

Blomso epitomizes the shift towards data-driven agriculture, where decisions are backed by accurate, real-time information. This approach is critical in adapting to changing environmental, economic and regulatory conditions as well as securing food security for future generations.

Sustainability at the Core

We're committed to advancing sustainable agriculture practices. By enabling farmers to use resources more efficiently, Blomso technology not only boosts profitability of farms but also significantly reduces the environmental impact of farming. This includes minimizing nutrient runoff, improving soil health, and contributing to a healthier planet.

Collaboration and Innovation

Developed in collaboration with co-founders, experts, and farmers themselves, Blomso technology is designed to meet the real-world needs of modern agriculture and create worker solutions to worker problems. Our commitment to innovation, grounded in practical application, sustainability, and profitability is what makes us the solution of the future.

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